Coffee may lower liver cancer risk, study says


Drinking coffee regularly can significantly lower your risk of liver cancer, the World Cancer Research Fund claims in its new report.

The finding, included in WCRF’s Liver Cancer 2015 report, are based on the analysis of some 34 scientific studies — research comprising health data from more than eight million men and women and 24,600 cases of liver cancer.

“The evidence for coffee was generally consistent, and the dose-response meta-analysis showed a significant decreased risk of liver cancer per one cup per day,” the 52-page report says.

“Both coffee and coffee extracts have also been shown to reduce the expression of genes involved in inflammation, and the effects appear to be most pronounced in the liver,” it said.

The study’s authors warn that more research is needed since the majority of tests were conducted on animals, “although some human studies contribute to the evidence.”

The survey also found that higher exposure to aflatoxins and consumption of aflatoxin-contaminated foods are convincing causes of liver cancer. Aflatoxins are toxins produced by mold.

The Canadian Cancer Society estimates that about 1 in 131 Canadian men is expected to develop liver cancer during his lifetime and 1 in 234 will die from it.
