Pastor Eric Omba, Gloria Muliro’s Ex Husband Is A Con, A Swindler And Many More, We Have Evidence!

A few days ago I received a call from a man who Identified himself as Julius, He told me that he had seen the story we had done about Gloria Muliro’s Ex Husband.  He said that the article that detailed the kind of man that Eric was was true and that he had more Information to divulge about Spotlight media, A recording studio in Madaraka that is Currenttly owned by Pastor Eric Omba.

 Julius Met Eric Omba in September 2013 when he was running  Plus One, a recording studio at Madaraka, Eric Engaged Julius on a project to produce Gloria muliro’s videos at 60k for 12 songs,the success production of the music videos made them start working together and Since Julius needed some money to Stabilize the studio Eric volunteered to be a partner with Plus one Studio, he paid the agreed 100k good will fee, signed an agreement and became a partner at the studio.

Trouble began almost immediately, Eric was not comfortable with production of secular music in the Studio, he termed it as heretic yet refused to bring the returns he got from production of Gospel music as per the agreement which stated “Either party to give the other 10% of everything recorded in the studio and vice versa”-Eric Omba never honored that.. Around December the same year, Julius needed around 200k to help in organizing Mr and Miss Maseno, He asked Eric for help, Eric gave him a loan of 100k demanded to be given 150k back upon the successful completion of Mr. and Miss Maseno University.

Unluckily for Julius, the events was delayed for a while as Singer Ommy Dimpoz had not confirmed his availability, Julius was scandalized, he had spent money on an event that was delayed ,Eric Omba  upon realizing that Julius was cornered started demaning his money back citing that he needed to take care of urgent business “that couldn’t wait”. But Julius was not in a position to pay untill his event went through.

When Julius finally got the money back and decided to pay Eric and dissolve their partnership, Eric refused, saying that the money he was owed was around 200k! His money apparently had doubled- The Nerve! He went on to say that he would  therefore take  over the studio as compensation! Bear in mind that the  studio had equipment valued at 1.3milllion Shillings!

He told Julius that his Equipment was old and the money he owed him was enough to buy new equipment, They disagreed and that is when Eric  went to the landlord paid him off and had Julius thrown out. Plus one the studio was then moved to the next block and in two weeks It was re-branded to Spotlight Media that you know today! 

Before posting this story, I called Eric severally over the past week and earlier today, After telling him Who I was and the reason for calling, He blocked my number last week, I called him with a different number (because I am genius) coaxed him to talk, he hang up before we could talk,and of course blocked the other number- The same vicious cycle.


Above is the agreement that detailed the business  relationship the two were to have.


Even Eric Omba’s employees at the Studio Agreed that he had taken the studio illegally but were afraid to say anything and risk their Job, One of the producers in the conversation above requested that we crop his name out for fear of the wrath of the Pastor.
