BARINGO Senator Gideon Moi has told off Deputy President William Ruto over his assertions that Moi is “a political greenhorn” and warned the DP of “tough political times ahead”.
“My intention and that of Kanu is to ensure Kenya is united first. Development flourishes when we are united. All Kenyans have the democratic right to express their interest. To be a ‘greenhorn’ is neither here nor there and therefore no one should panic,” Moi told the Star yesterday.
Last weekend Ruto dismissed Gideon Moi’s presidential ambitions, describing the senator as a fledgling whose ambitions were premature and ill-advised.
Yesterday Moi said he will carry on with his nationwide meet-the people to Elkeiyo (IS THIS SPELLING CQ?), Marakwet county, will be his destination this weekend for a fundraising.
Moi said, however, his mission now is to preach peace and cohesion among all Kenyans, adding he still supports the Jubilee government as agreed after the election
“I support the government to deliver on its mandate,” Moi said.
Moi made the statement even as it has emerged that Kalenjin MPs have warned the Deputy President not to expect blind support from them in his turf wars with Bomet Governor Isaac Rutto over control of Rift Valley politics.
Those MPs met late Wednesday and decided to remain officially neutral at this time in the festering war of words between the two leaders over domination of the Rift Valley. That contest has sucked in Gideon Moi.
At the end of the four-hour meeting, the MPs decided to meet in the middle of next week when they will decide whether to meet the DP to present their grievances or not.
They claim Ruto has failed to use his strength in the Jubilee administration to improve the lives of Rift Valley people.
They also plan a meeting in Marakwet West constituency this weekend when they publicly discuss their views of the DP for the first time.
“There is no way somebody should ignore and neglect us and our people and then expect us to run to his side to offer blind support every time he faces a crisis,” a URP MP yesterday told the Star.
The MPs discussed the what they call the weakened position of the Kalenjin community in the Jubilee government, the low market price for maize farmers, and the decision to disband URP for JAP.
“We have decided everyone of us must go back to his people and do serious work for them. There is no point supporting a person who has no time for you,” he said.
At the meeting on Wednesday, MPs complained the decision to join JAP was did not involve consultation. They expressed anger the DP was using the new outfit to undermine them and promote their 2017 opponents.
MPs Robert Pukose (Endebess), Alfred Keter (Nandi Hills), Paul Bii (Chepalungu) confirmed the meeting took place but denied it was about politics.
“There was no politics in the meeting. We only dwelt with issues surrounding our own welfare,” Bii said.
The position of the disaffected MPs is the latest in a series of hurdles the DP has had to confront in the last one week, even as rebellion against his leadership in the region intensifies.
Ruto has been forced to openly confront the growing legion of his political foes in Rift Valley, including Rutto and Moi, who accuse him of dictatorial tendencies.
However, Kericho Senator Charles Keter, a close ally of Ruto, downplayed the MPs’ allegations and said those making them should step forward.
“I doubt such a statement has been made. But if MPs make those claims, they should not hide but come out into the open so we know who they are. They must tell the country when they sought an audience with the DP and that he rejected their overture).”
Keter said he was surprised by the claims because all the Kalenjin MPs are united and have been working together.
“Even if they accuse the DP, they should tell the public if they themselves are accessible to the people who elected them.
The MPs criticised the conduct of the Deputy President, saying they felt betrayed and belittled by the way he treats them. In the words of one MP, the DP is “reclusive, reducing us to doormats and doormats and taking advantage of formation of Jubilee Alliance Party to undermine us.”
The Rift Valley battle against Deputy President William Ruto is likely to intensify, as Bomet Governor Isaac Rutto heads to the DP’s North Rift turf over the weekend.