Microsoft has launched its budget 4G smartphone in India, the Nokia Lumia 638, priced for Rs. 8,299 which had officially launched in China earlier this year in June. Smartphone will be available exclusive to the company’s newly launched Microsoft Brand Store on Amazon India, and will go up for pre-orders from Wednesday (today-onwards).
To support the service offered by mobile operators in India, the smartphone’s 4G LTE connectivity bands has been altered to 3, 7, 38, 39, 40 as well as 41. Other specifications of the Nokia Lumia 638 smartphone are same as the Chinese variant.
Nokia Lumia 638 4G LTE Windows smartphone comes with 4.5-inch FWVGA (480×854 pixels) ClearBlack LCD display with Gorilla Glass 3 and a pixel density of 221ppi. It runs on Windows 8.1 OS with Lumia Denim update, powered by 1.2GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 SoC with 1GB RAM.
Nokia Lumia 638 4G LTE Windows smartphone also has 5-megapixel rear autofocus camera, no front camera. Its inbuilt storage is 8GB which can be expandable up to 128GB through microSD card.
Nokia Lumia 638 4G LTE Windows smartphone also comes with 1830mAh battery with an exclusive offer on Airtel 4G. Consumers on Airtel postpaid in Bengaluru will get up to 5GB of free data on 4G for 2 months post activation of their Airtel connection on the new Lumia 638, and the offer will be available until March 31, 2015.
Specifications of Nokia Lumia 638 4G LTE Windows smartphone: –
• 4.5-inch FWVGA (480×854 pixels) ClearBlack LCD display with Gorilla Glass 3 and a pixel density of 221ppi.
• Windows 8.1 OS with Lumia Denim update.
• 1.2GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 SoC.
• 1GB RAM.
• 5-megapixel rear autofocus camera.
• No front camera.
• Inbuilt storage is 8GB.
• Expandable up to 128GB through microSD card.
• 1830mAh battery.