Samsung announced the recall of all Galaxy Note 7 smartphones more than a week ago and much has happened since then. The company will voluntarily provide Galaxy Note 7 owners with safe replacements, but it seems that shipments of new units have been dispatched yet.
Samsung posted an announcement urging all Galaxy Note 7 users to immediately participate in the replacement program, which means that they must backup data on their phones, conduct a factory reset in order to delete personal information, power down the device and return it to its point of purchase.
The report mentions that customers who have Galaxy Note 7 devices can replace their current device with a new one based on local availability. Samsung also announced that it will provide users with a new Galaxy Note 7 device (pending CPSC approval).
In the meantime, users could get a Samsung J Series loaner phone, until the Galaxy Note 7 is available. Users can also exchange their current Galaxy Note 7 for a Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S7 edge and replace all Note 7 specific accessories with a refund of the price difference between devices.
Users from the US will also receive a $25 gift card
Galaxy Note 7 owners from the US will also get a $25 gift card, in-store credit or bill credit from carrier retail outlets. Even the CPSC advised Galaxy Note 7 users to power down their devices and return them to the point of purchase.
Aside from this, the FAA issued a warning saying that passengers with Galaxy Note 7 smartphones should power down their devices and not charge them while on airplanes. In addition, passengers from Canada, India and Japan are advised to do the same. Samsung announced that it will be expediting shipments of safe Note 7 units in the US for this week, but that remains to be seen.