Senator Mike Sonko has offered to chop off half of his salary to pay the striking teachers.  In a message posted on his Twitter account, the Nairobi Senator said he would file a motion in the Senate that would see Senators and other highly paid civil servants have their salary slashed by fifty percent.

I’m ready for a 50% salary cut in order to pay our teachers. I’ll file a motion in Senate for 50% salary cut 4 Senators& other highly paid officers.

Sonko’s statement comes hours after President Uhuru Kenyatta addressed the country about the education crisis.

The President in his televised address from State House on Sunday evening said giving teachers the fifty to sixty percentage pay increment would have grave implications on the soaring wage bill.

In a quick comeback however, KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion said they would not back down and that the teachers will continue with their strike until they get the increase.

Mike Sonko’s offer on pay cut sparked reactions on social media:

Mkenya Halisi ‏@dkoinange @MikeSonko and also scrapping non- essential positions. Reduce the number of MPs

/BabyFace Assassin// ‏@Cliff_kips  @mikesonko hehe, no politician will take that 50% cut

COYOTE ‏@EdgarKevin @MikeSonko wewe uko ready juu we ni Sonko. Are other leaders like you planning to do the same?

Mr. Gad ‏@critic_eye why didnt your president talk about this @mikesonko Tell him to stop playing games, we got eyes and we can see whats happening
