ZNBC management given a 3 months ultimatum to make part-time appointments permanent

ZNBC management has been given a three months ultimatum to permanently engage all those on part time and temporal basis.

Information Minister Chishimba Kambwili gave the directive when he toured the ZNBC Kitwe Studios.

Mr Kambwili says the policy of government on employment is that people should not be on casual basis for more than 6 months.

Meanwhle, Mr Kambwili has bemoaned the poor state of equipment at the national public broadcaster.

He says his office is planning to hold an open day for Ambassadors and High Commissioners accredited to Zambia for them to see facilities that ZNBC is using.

Mr. Kambwili feels that Diplomats and High Commissioners may be tempted to help ZNBC once they see the obsolete facilities that the National broadcaster is using.

Apart from ZNBC, the Minister has so far toured community and local radio stations which include among others Baptist RadioStation, Radio Icengelo, Flava FM and YAR FM.
